Schedule -
Away Team | Owner(s) | Score | Score | Owner(s) | Home Team |
Raven Madd (1-0) | Christian O'Neill, Tom Truant | 149.4 | 102.8 | Tim Donahue | (0-1) Team Pup 'N Suds |
I'll Touchdown There (1-0) | Adam LaFleur | 145.2 | 120.9 | Tyler Beard | (0-1) The Annexation of Puerto Rico |
Beast Mode (0-1) | Mike LaFleur | 109.7 | 127 | Drew Dodson, Jake Baamonde | (1-0) Budding Heads |
The Hot Dogs (1-0) | Mike O'Neill | 171.4 | 136 | Justin Golec | (0-1) Thomas The Dank Engine |
SCLSU Mud Dogs (1-0) | Alex Snyder | 185.7 | 129.3 | Avery Callan | (0-1) Bel Air Fresh Princes |
Jerking Goff Hurts (0-1) | Liam Beard | 118.3 | 151.2 | Eric Duddy | (1-0) The Hoodies |
Away Team | Owner(s) | Score | Score | Owner(s) | Home Team |
Thomas The Dank Engine (1-1) | Justin Golec | 130.6 | 130 | Christian O'Neill, Tom Truant | (1-1) Raven Madd |
The Annexation of Puerto Rico (0-2) | Tyler Beard | 106.7 | 188.2 | Eric Duddy | (2-0) The Hoodies |
Jerking Goff Hurts (1-1) | Liam Beard | 147.2 | 137.4 | Tim Donahue | (0-2) Team Pup 'N Suds |
Budding Heads (2-0) | Drew Dodson, Jake Baamonde | 155.4 | 154.4 | Adam LaFleur | (1-1) I'll Touchdown There |
Bel Air Fresh Princes (1-1) | Avery Callan | 140.2 | 130.3 | Mike O'Neill | (1-1) The Hot Dogs |
Beast Mode (1-1) | Mike LaFleur | 157 | 97.9 | Alex Snyder | (1-1) SCLSU Mud Dogs |
Away Team | Owner(s) | Score | Score | Owner(s) | Home Team |
Raven Madd (2-1) | Christian O'Neill, Tom Truant | 167.4 | 158.9 | Mike LaFleur | (2-1) Beast Mode |
The Annexation of Puerto Rico (1-2) | Tyler Beard | 173.1 | 117.1 | Avery Callan | (1-2) Bel Air Fresh Princes |
Budding Heads (2-1) | Drew Dodson, Jake Baamonde | 115.4 | 164.3 | Tim Donahue | (1-2) Team Pup 'N Suds |
SCLSU Mud Dogs (2-1) | Alex Snyder | 112.3 | 100 | Adam LaFleur | (1-2) I'll Touchdown There |
The Hoodies (3-0) | Eric Duddy | 146.7 | 121.6 | Mike O'Neill | (1-2) The Hot Dogs |
Thomas The Dank Engine (2-1) | Justin Golec | 161.2 | 129.7 | Liam Beard | (1-2) Jerking Goff Hurts |
Away Team | Owner(s) | Score | Score | Owner(s) | Home Team |
Raven Madd (2-2) | Christian O'Neill, Tom Truant | 116.2 | 147.2 | Alex Snyder | (3-1) SCLSU Mud Dogs |
The Hot Dogs (1-3) | Mike O'Neill | 142.9 | 166.7 | Tyler Beard | (2-2) The Annexation of Puerto Rico |
Team Pup 'N Suds (2-2) | Tim Donahue | 127.2 | 115.7 | Avery Callan | (1-3) Bel Air Fresh Princes |
I'll Touchdown There (1-3) | Adam LaFleur | 129.1 | 133.9 | Justin Golec | (3-1) Thomas The Dank Engine |
Budding Heads (3-1) | Drew Dodson, Jake Baamonde | 159.8 | 131.2 | Eric Duddy | (3-1) The Hoodies |
Beast Mode (3-1) | Mike LaFleur | 171.8 | 93.2 | Liam Beard | (1-3) Jerking Goff Hurts |
Away Team | Owner(s) | Score | Score | Owner(s) | Home Team |
Budding Heads (3-2) | Drew Dodson, Jake Baamonde | 157.5 | 195.3 | Christian O'Neill, Tom Truant | (3-2) Raven Madd |
The Annexation of Puerto Rico (3-2) | Tyler Beard | 144.2 | 130.1 | Alex Snyder | (3-2) SCLSU Mud Dogs |
Beast Mode (3-2) | Mike LaFleur | 125.4 | 147.3 | Tim Donahue | (3-2) Team Pup 'N Suds |
I'll Touchdown There (2-3) | Adam LaFleur | 157.1 | 120.7 | Avery Callan | (1-4) Bel Air Fresh Princes |
Jerking Goff Hurts (2-3) | Liam Beard | 121.8 | 115.5 | Mike O'Neill | (1-4) The Hot Dogs |
Thomas The Dank Engine (4-1) | Justin Golec | 149.5 | 142.1 | Eric Duddy | (3-2) The Hoodies |
Away Team | Owner(s) | Score | Score | Owner(s) | Home Team |
Raven Madd (4-2) | Christian O'Neill, Tom Truant | 170.6 | 107 | Adam LaFleur | (2-4) I'll Touchdown There |
The Annexation of Puerto Rico (3-3) | Tyler Beard | 120.8 | 143.8 | Liam Beard | (3-3) Jerking Goff Hurts |
Thomas The Dank Engine (5-1) | Justin Golec | 140.2 | 123.1 | Tim Donahue | (3-3) Team Pup 'N Suds |
The Hot Dogs (2-4) | Mike O'Neill | 168.6 | 142.3 | Drew Dodson, Jake Baamonde | (3-3) Budding Heads |
Bel Air Fresh Princes (1-5) | Avery Callan | 89 | 148.9 | Mike LaFleur | (4-2) Beast Mode |
The Hoodies (4-2) | Eric Duddy | 151.7 | 105 | Alex Snyder | (3-3) SCLSU Mud Dogs |
Away Team | Owner(s) | Score | Score | Owner(s) | Home Team |
Raven Madd (5-2) | Christian O'Neill, Tom Truant | 159.5 | 101.1 | Tyler Beard | (3-4) The Annexation of Puerto Rico |
Team Pup 'N Suds (4-3) | Tim Donahue | 153.6 | 119.7 | Eric Duddy | (4-3) The Hoodies |
I'll Touchdown There (2-5) | Adam LaFleur | 130.3 | 135.9 | Mike O'Neill | (3-4) The Hot Dogs |
Bel Air Fresh Princes (1-6) | Avery Callan | 139.1 | 147.9 | Drew Dodson, Jake Baamonde | (4-3) Budding Heads |
SCLSU Mud Dogs (4-3) | Alex Snyder | 113.7 | 110.4 | Liam Beard | (3-4) Jerking Goff Hurts |
Thomas The Dank Engine (6-1) | Justin Golec | 127.6 | 111 | Mike LaFleur | (4-3) Beast Mode |
Away Team | Owner(s) | Score | Score | Owner(s) | Home Team |
Team Pup 'N Suds (4-4) | Tim Donahue | 131.2 | 175.5 | Christian O'Neill, Tom Truant | (6-2) Raven Madd |
Bel Air Fresh Princes (2-6) | Avery Callan | 164.3 | 148.9 | Tyler Beard | (3-5) The Annexation of Puerto Rico |
I'll Touchdown There (2-6) | Adam LaFleur | 117.6 | 148.8 | Alex Snyder | (5-3) SCLSU Mud Dogs |
Budding Heads (5-3) | Drew Dodson, Jake Baamonde | 176.1 | 126.2 | Mike LaFleur | (4-4) Beast Mode |
Thomas The Dank Engine (6-2) | Justin Golec | 126.1 | 154.7 | Mike O'Neill | (4-4) The Hot Dogs |
The Hoodies (4-4) | Eric Duddy | 176.6 | 178.3 | Liam Beard | (4-4) Jerking Goff Hurts |
Away Team | Owner(s) | Score | Score | Owner(s) | Home Team |
Raven Madd (6-3) | Christian O'Neill, Tom Truant | 145.8 | 184.8 | Eric Duddy | (5-4) The Hoodies |
Team Pup 'N Suds (4-5) | Tim Donahue | 123.6 | 159.9 | Tyler Beard | (4-5) The Annexation of Puerto Rico |
I'll Touchdown There (2-7) | Adam LaFleur | 109.4 | 159.6 | Liam Beard | (5-4) Jerking Goff Hurts |
SCLSU Mud Dogs (5-4) | Alex Snyder | 130.1 | 139.6 | Drew Dodson, Jake Baamonde | (6-3) Budding Heads |
Beast Mode (4-5) | Mike LaFleur | 133.7 | 131 | Mike O'Neill | (4-5) The Hot Dogs |
Thomas The Dank Engine (7-2) | Justin Golec | 159.4 | 90.7 | Avery Callan | (2-7) Bel Air Fresh Princes |
Away Team | Owner(s) | Score | Score | Owner(s) | Home Team |
The Hot Dogs (5-5) | Mike O'Neill | 156.4 | 155.9 | Christian O'Neill, Tom Truant | (6-4) Raven Madd |
The Annexation of Puerto Rico (5-5) | Tyler Beard | 130.5 | 101.5 | Mike LaFleur | (5-5) Beast Mode |
SCLSU Mud Dogs (6-4) | Alex Snyder | 120.7 | 103.3 | Tim Donahue | (4-6) Team Pup 'N Suds |
The Hoodies (6-4) | Eric Duddy | 131 | 117.1 | Adam LaFleur | (2-8) I'll Touchdown There |
Budding Heads (7-3) | Drew Dodson, Jake Baamonde | 128.5 | 118.3 | Justin Golec | (7-3) Thomas The Dank Engine |
Jerking Goff Hurts (5-5) | Liam Beard | 117.6 | 121.4 | Avery Callan | (3-7) Bel Air Fresh Princes |
Away Team | Owner(s) | Score | Score | Owner(s) | Home Team |
Bel Air Fresh Princes (3-8) | Avery Callan | 113.8 | 159.2 | Christian O'Neill, Tom Truant | (7-4) Raven Madd |
The Annexation of Puerto Rico (5-6) | Tyler Beard | 137.9 | 147.6 | Justin Golec | (8-3) Thomas The Dank Engine |
I'll Touchdown There (2-9) | Adam LaFleur | 112.6 | 146.5 | Tim Donahue | (5-6) Team Pup 'N Suds |
The Hot Dogs (6-5) | Mike O'Neill | 161 | 128.1 | Alex Snyder | (6-5) SCLSU Mud Dogs |
Jerking Goff Hurts (6-5) | Liam Beard | 155.7 | 121.2 | Drew Dodson, Jake Baamonde | (7-4) Budding Heads |
The Hoodies (7-4) | Eric Duddy | 204.1 | 165.2 | Mike LaFleur | (6-5) Beast Mode |
Away Team | Owner(s) | Score | Score | Owner(s) | Home Team |
Raven Madd (7-5) | Christian O'Neill, Tom Truant | 106.1 | 173.1 | Drew Dodson, Jake Baamonde | (8-4) Budding Heads |
SCLSU Mud Dogs (7-5) | Alex Snyder | 136 | 132.1 | Tyler Beard | (5-7) The Annexation of Puerto Rico |
Team Pup 'N Suds (6-6) | Tim Donahue | 125.4 | 110.2 | Mike LaFleur | (6-6) Beast Mode |
Bel Air Fresh Princes (4-8) | Avery Callan | 149.2 | 110.2 | Adam LaFleur | (2-10) I'll Touchdown There |
Jerking Goff Hurts (6-6) | Liam Beard | 95.1 | 156.3 | Justin Golec | (9-3) Thomas The Dank Engine |
The Hot Dogs (6-6) | Mike O'Neill | 160.1 | 162.7 | Eric Duddy | (8-4) The Hoodies |
Away Team | Owner(s) | Score | Score | Owner(s) | Home Team |
Jerking Goff Hurts (6-6) | Liam Beard | 0 | 0 | Christian O'Neill, Tom Truant | (7-5) Raven Madd |
Budding Heads (8-4) | Drew Dodson, Jake Baamonde | 0 | 0 | Tyler Beard | (5-7) The Annexation of Puerto Rico |
Team Pup 'N Suds (6-6) | Tim Donahue | 0 | 0 | Mike O'Neill | (6-6) The Hot Dogs |
Beast Mode (6-6) | Mike LaFleur | 0 | 0 | Adam LaFleur | (2-10) I'll Touchdown There |
The Hoodies (8-4) | Eric Duddy | 0 | 0 | Avery Callan | (4-8) Bel Air Fresh Princes |
SCLSU Mud Dogs (7-5) | Alex Snyder | 0 | 0 | Justin Golec | (9-3) Thomas The Dank Engine |
Away Team | Owner(s) | Score | Score | Owner(s) | Home Team |
Beast Mode (6-6) | Mike LaFleur | 0 | 0 | Christian O'Neill, Tom Truant | (7-5) Raven Madd |
The Annexation of Puerto Rico (5-7) | Tyler Beard | 0 | 0 | Adam LaFleur | (2-10) I'll Touchdown There |
Team Pup 'N Suds (6-6) | Tim Donahue | 0 | 0 | Drew Dodson, Jake Baamonde | (8-4) Budding Heads |
The Hot Dogs (6-6) | Mike O'Neill | 0 | 0 | Liam Beard | (6-6) Jerking Goff Hurts |
Bel Air Fresh Princes (4-8) | Avery Callan | 0 | 0 | Alex Snyder | (7-5) SCLSU Mud Dogs |
The Hoodies (8-4) | Eric Duddy | 0 | 0 | Justin Golec | (9-3) Thomas The Dank Engine |