P-Mill Fantasy Football League Rules


Head-to-Head Payout (75%)
1st Place- 270 dollars
2nd Place- 130 dollars
3rd Place- 50 dollars

"Points For" Weeks 1-17 Payout (25%)
1st Place- 75 dollars
2nd Place- 50 dollars
3rd Place- 25 dollars


Current Roster Size: 18

Total Starters: 12

Total On Bench: 6 (4 IR)

Position Starters Maximum
Quarterback (QB) 2 5
Running Back (RB) 2 No Limit
Wide Receiver/Tight End (WR/TE) 4 No Limit
Flex (RB/WR/TE) 2 N/A
Team Defense/Special Teams (D/ST) 1 4
Place Kicker (K) 1 4
Bench (BE) 6 N/A
Injured Reserve (IR) 4 N/A

Every 25 passing yards (PY25) 1 Every 10 pass completions (PC10) 1
TD Pass (PTD) 3 Interceptions Thrown (INT) -2
2pt Passing Conversion (2PC) 2 300-399 yard passing game (P300) 2
400+ yard passing game (P400) 4
Every 10 rushing yards (RY10) 1 TD Rush (RTD) 6
2pt Rushing Conversion (2PR) 2 100-199 yard rushing game (RY100) 2
200+ yard rushing game (RY200) 4
Every 10 receiving yards (REY10) 1 Each reception (REC) 0.5
TD Reception (RETD) 6 2pt Receiving Conversion (2PRE) 2
100-199 yard receiving game (REY100) 2 200+ yard receiving game (REY200) 4
Kickoff Return TD (KRTD) 6 Punt Return TD (PRTD) 6
Fumble Recovered for TD (FTD) 6 Total Fumbles Lost (FUML) -2
Fumble Return TD (FRTD) 6
Each PAT Missed (PATM) -1 FG Missed (0-39 yards) (FGM0) -1
Each PAT Made (PAT) 1 FG Made (0-39 yards) (FG0) 3
FG Made (40-49 yards) (FG40) 5 FG Made (50+ yards) (FG50) 7
FG Made (60+ yards) (FG60) 10
Team Defense / Special Teams
Each Sack (SK) 2 Interception Return TD (INTTD) 6
Fumble Return TD (FRTD) 6 Kickoff Return TD (KRTD) 6
Punt Return TD (PRTD) 6 Blocked Punt or FG return for TD (BLKKRTD) 6
Blocked Punt, PAT or FG (BLKK) 3 Each Interception (INT) 2
Each Fumble Recovered (FR) 2 Each Safety (SF) 2
0 points allowed (PA0) 10 1-6 points allowed (PA1) 7
7-13 points allowed (PA7) 4 28-34 points allowed (PA28) -4
35-45 points allowed (PA35) -7 46+ points allowed (PA46) -10
2pt Return (2PTRET) 2 1pt Safety (1PSF) 1


Injuries: Just to avoid some confusion because I've noticed this on a few teams, if a guy has "O" or "IR" after his name which indicates he is OUT with an injury, you can put him on your IR slot AND you can take him off whenever you want, it is not permanent if you place him there, HOWEVER if you pick up a player for the empty slot he gives you due to the fact that he is no longer on your active roster (includes your starters and bench) and then you decide you want to take him back off the IR slot and put him back on your active roster, you'll need to drop someone off your active roster to make room for him. Hopefully that clears that up, I don't think I can explain that with anymore detail than I just did.

Trading: When trading, you ARE NOT allowed to receive a player in a trade with a team in which the player you are receiving in return is the same player you traded to his team earlier in the season. For example, say Raven Madd trades Jake Locker to Edgewood Eagles is week 3, for the rest of the season, Edgewood Eagles cannot trade Jake Locker back to Raven Madd, this is to avoid trading collusion which is explained later in this section. However, if Jake Locker is traded or released off of Edgewood Eagles team, then Raven Madd would be allowed to trade for Jake Locker, it's just the next move made on Jake Locker after Raven Madd trades him can't be Jake Locker being traded back to Raven Madd. If Raven Madd really wants Jake Locker back, he would have to wait until the off-season to trade back for him. In the off-season, a player can be traded as many times to any team no matter what, there are no rules against any trades in the off-season. Trade at your own risk.

Collusion: This is self-explanatory, however the only real collusion in this league that is against the rules is trading collusion. This is a league in which most of us know each other, so sometimes we give a little advice to each other, that is not against the rules, it's your choice as a league member if you want to give advice or not to another team. If someone asks you for trading advice you can help them, or can try to sabotage their trade; anything you can think of. If this was a $100 buy-in league then maybe I wouldn't allow any advice (good or bad), but it's not. Now onto trading collusion, which an example would be two teams exchanging players such as Clinton Portis and Matt Ryan for one week so that they can have a replacement player for a bye week, then swapping back at the end of the week. That is illegal, and the reason barring the trading back of players to the same team. Another example would be selling your players for money if your team is like 0-7, obviously against the rules.

Standings Tiebreaker Scenarios: There are multiple scenarios that can occur within a four-way tie for wildcard places, so here’s the first example:

Example #1
All four teams finished with a record of 6-7 and each played each other once, the records in parenthesis designates each team’s combined record against the other three:
Team A: (2-1) Beat B and C, Lost to D. Points 1113
Team B: (0-3) Lost to A, C, and D. Points 1126
Team C: (2-1) Beat B and D, Lost to A. Points 989
Team D: (2-1) Beat A and B, Lost to C. Points 1000

In this situation, because there is no immediate winner (e.g. 3-0 record), then the tiebreaker eliminates the worst team(s). Thus, Team B is immediately eliminated for having gone winless in each against the other teams. Now the tiebreaker has to separate the remaining three teams, which it does by comparing their records against each other which is 1-1, 1-1, and 1-1. With these three all tied, the tiebreaker reverts to ranking the teams by their Points For, which results in Team A winning the tiebreaker. Even though Team B had the most Points For among the teams in the four-way tie, Team B was already eliminated from winning the tiebreaker with their 0-3 record so is excluded from this ranking.

Now that Team A has won the four-way tiebreaker, there is still a three-way tie amongst the remaining teams:
Team B: (0-2) Lost to C and D. Points 1126
Team C: (2-0) Beat B and D. Points 989
Team D: (1-1) Beat B, Lost to C. Points 1000

This is quite simple because Team C is 2-0 against the other two teams, meaning Team C wins the three-way tiebreaker.

Finally, it comes down to a two-way tiebreaker, and because Team D defeated Team B, Team D wins this tiebreaker. As you can see, being Team B in this entire tiebreaker scenario is unfortunate given they had the most Points For among all four teams, yet due to poor head-to-head results, lost every tiebreaker.

Example #2
All four teams finished with a record of 6-7 and each played each other once, the records in parenthesis designates each team’s combined record against the other three:
Team A: (1-2) Beat C, Lost to B and D. Points 1113
Team B: (1-2) Beat A, Lost to C and D. Points 1126
Team C: (2-1) Beat B and D, Lost to A. Points 989
Team D: (2-1) Beat A and B, Lost to C. Points 1000

In this situation, because there is no immediate winner (e.g. 3-0 record), then the tiebreaker eliminates the worst team(s). Thus, Team A and Team B are immediately eliminated for having the joint two worst records. Now, with the four-way tie broken down to two teams, the head-to-head matchup between Team C and Team D is used to determine the winner, which Team C won, and therefore wins the tiebreaker.

Now that Team C has won the four-way tiebreaker, there is still a three-way tie amongst the remaining teams:
Team A: (0-2) Lost to B and D. Points 1113
Team B: (1-1) Beat A, Lost to D. Points 1126
Team D: (2-0) Beat A and B. Points 1000

This is quite simple because Team D is 2-0 against the other two teams, meaning Team D wins the three-way tiebreaker.

Finally, it comes down to a two-way tiebreaker, and because Team B defeated Team A, Team B wins this tiebreaker.

If you compare Example #1 and Example #2, you will see how the one loss by Team A at the hands of Team B caused Team A to finish at the bottom after the tiebreaking procedures were completed, compared to finishing at the top in Example #1.

Example #3
All four teams finished with a record of 6-7 and each played each other once, the records in parenthesis designates each team’s combined record against the other three:
Team A: (1-2) Beat B, Lost to C and D. Points 1113
Team B: (1-2) Beat C, Lost to A and D. Points 1126
Team C: (1-2) Beat A, Lost to B and D. Points 989
Team D: (3-0) Beat A, B, and C. Points 1000

In this scenario, there is an immediate winner of the four-way tiebreaker because Team D won each matchup against the other three teams.

With Team D having won the four-way tiebreaker, there is still a three-way tie amongst the remaining teams:
Team A: (1-1) Beat B, Lost to C. Points 1113
Team B: (1-1) Beat C, Lost to A. Points 1126
Team C: (1-1) Beat A, Lost to B. Points 1000

With all three teams splitting their matchups, the tiebreaker resorts to Points For, which results in Team B winning the tiebreaker.

To finish the tiebreaking procedure, Team C finishes ahead of Team A due to winning their head-to-head matchup during the season. Team A is unfortunate to have finished last in the tiebreaker, as finishing with 14 more Points For would have seen Team A finish second instead of fourth after the tiebreaking procedure was completed.

Bonus Example
Team A: (3-0) Beat B, C, and D.
Team B: (2-1) Beat C and D, Lost to A.
Team C: (1-2) Beat D. Lost to A and B.
Team D: (0-3) Lost to A, B, and C.

This one doesn’t require much a breakdown because it is self-explanatory. If all three teams have a different record against each other like in this example, the teams will finish in the order of how it’s listed.

Draft/Keepers: ***THIS HAS BEEN CHANGED FOR 2023, but not yet updated*** You must keep at least 3 players every season, but at most 4. The way ESPN handles keepers is they designate the first few rounds in the draft as "keeper rounds" based on the number of keepers permitted; in our league's case that means the first 4 rounds are keeper rounds. If you keep 3 players, you get a draft pick in the 4th round "keeper round", and if you keep 4 players, you will start your draft after the 4 keepers rounds. The first 4 rounds are keeper rounds and the pick is not tradable so you have to draft from that pick if you keep 3 players. Any draft pick from the 5th round on is tradable. Because each player has a contract and to avoid one team keeping the same players every year, you can only keep 2 players becoming an "O" contract player (click here to see this season's) meaning they were kept by a team going into last season. If during the period between keepers locking and the draft date one of your keepers suffers a significant injury, you will be permitted to change that specific keeper to another player who was on your roster, the keeper lock date is mainly for draft preparation purposes, it's not to screw over owners before the draft has even occured. Please note that these are the rules and you must abide by them, or I will abide by them for you, so please don't make me choose your keepers because you can't follow these rules.

Player Contracts:
  • 1st season- Drafted season (A contract player)
  • 2nd season- Extended season (B contract player)
  • 3rd season- Owner optioned season (O contract player)
  • 4th season- Super Owner optioned season (S contract player)
  1. This should be a given, but any roster change sent to the Commissioner to be made MUST be sent in by the actual team owner
  2. All possible rule proposals must be brought to the Commissioner first who will then present the proposed rule to the league
  3. The Commissioner nor league members are permitted to vote to veto trades. However, please be mindful of your fellow league members and the league itself before making a trade
  4. Draft picks cannot be traded during the season, only during the off-season are you allowed to trade draft picks
  5. Any trade including draft picks must be pick-for-pick, meaning if you trade a draft pick you must get one back
  6. Week 14 at 1:00pm on Sunday is the trading deadline
  7. ESPN does not itself have a playoff matchup tiebreaker that can be toggled, but it is Bench Points just like during the regular season, so in the event that two teams tie the commissioner will add .5 points to the team with the higher bench total. Now in the event that two teams have identical scorelines for their active and bench lineups, then the better seed will advance.
  8. After the first round of the playoffs, ESPN does not automatically reset waivers like it does during the regular season, so it is done manually by the commissioner. The playoff waiver order differs to that of the regular season as the eight teams eliminated from the playoffs are ranked inversely of their Points For, meaning the teams with the fewer amount of Points For will have a higher waiver priority, regardless of record. For the four teams battling for money in the playoffs, either for the championship or third place game, are ranked inversely of their playoff seeding as the bottom four waivers priorities.
  9. The process for determining the top 5 draft picks for the teams that did not qualify for the playoffs is based on the ranking of their "Points For" total over the final six weeks of the season (weeks 12 thru 17).